BBQ Smash Burger

Unleash Ultimate Flavor: BBQ Smash Burger on Grill Grates

· 22 min read

Smashing Good Time: The Ultimate Guide to Barbecue Smash Burgers on Grill Grates

Introduction to BBQ Smash Burger on Grill Grates

Ah, the humble burger. There's something magical about sinking your teeth into a perfectly cooked patty, topped with all your favorite fixings. But have you ever tried a barbecue smash burger on grill grates? If not, you're in for a treat! These burgers are all about maximizing flavor and juiciness, and cooking them on grill grates takes their deliciousness to a whole new level.

When you smash a burger on a hot grill grate, you create a beautiful sear that locks in the juices and creates a mouthwatering caramelized crust. The result is a burger that's crispy on the outside, yet incredibly tender and juicy on the inside. Trust me, once you try a barbecue smash burger on grill grates, you'll never go back to your old cooking methods.

Essential Grill Gear for the Perfect Smash Burger

Before we dive into the recipes and techniques, let's talk about the essential gear you'll need to make the perfect barbecue smash burger on grill grates.

1. Grill Grates

First and foremost, you'll need a good set of grill grates. Look for grates that are made of high-quality stainless steel or cast iron. These materials conduct heat evenly and create those beautiful grill marks that we all love. Make sure to clean and oil your grill grates before cooking to prevent sticking.

2. Meat Smashing Tools

Next, you'll need some meat smashing tools. A sturdy spatula and a heavy-duty meat press are essential for flattening your burgers on the grill grates. The spatula should have a long handle to keep your hands away from the heat, and the meat press should have a flat surface to distribute pressure evenly.

3. Thermometers

Lastly, don't forget a good meat thermometer. This will ensure that your burgers are cooked to perfection, with a juicy medium-rare or a well-done if that's your preference. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the burger, avoiding the bone if you're using bone-in patties.

Choosing the Best Meat for Your Barbecue Smash Burger

Now that you have all the necessary gear, let's talk about the star of the show: the meat. When it comes to barbecue smash burgers, you want a meat blend that's rich in flavor and has a good fat content. A combination of ground chuck and ground brisket or short rib works wonders, giving you a juicy and flavorful patty.

When choosing your meat, go for freshly ground meat if possible. This will ensure the best texture and flavor. If you can't find freshly ground meat, look for high-quality pre-packaged ground beef with a fat content of around 20%. This will give you the perfect balance of juiciness and flavor.

Recipe 1: Classic Barbecue Smash Burger on Grill Grates

Now that you're equipped with the knowledge of the perfect gear and meat, let's dive into the first recipe: the classic barbecue smash burger on grill grates.

- 1 pound ground chuck
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Sliced cheese (optional)
- Burger buns
- Your favorite toppings (lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, etc.)
- Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.)

1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
2. Divide the ground chuck into 4 equal portions and shape them into balls.
3. Season each ball with salt and pepper.
4. Place the balls onto the hot grill grates and immediately smash them flat with your spatula or meat press.
5. Cook the burgers for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they reach your desired level of doneness.
6. If using cheese, add a slice to each burger during the last minute of cooking and let it melt.
7. Remove the burgers from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes.
8. Toast your burger buns on the grill for a minute or two, until they're lightly golden.
9. Assemble your burgers with your favorite toppings and condiments.
10. Serve immediately and enjoy!

How to Perfectly Smash a Burger on Grill Grates

Now that you have the recipe, let's talk about the technique of smashing a burger on the grill grates. This step is crucial to achieving that perfect crust and juiciness.

First, make sure your grill grates are preheated to medium-high heat. This will ensure a good sear and prevent sticking. Place the balls of meat onto the hot grates and immediately press them flat with your spatula or meat press. Apply firm pressure to flatten the burgers to your desired thickness. The thinner the patty, the faster it will cook and the more surface area you'll have for that delicious crust.

Once you've smashed the burgers, resist the temptation to move them around. Let them cook for a couple of minutes on each side to develop that beautiful caramelized crust. Flipping them too early can cause the patties to fall apart and lose their juiciness.

Grilling Techniques for Barbecue Smash Burgers

Now that you've mastered the art of smashing a burger, let's explore some grilling techniques that can take your barbecue smash burger on grill grates to the next level.

1. Reverse Sear

The reverse sear technique involves cooking the burgers on indirect heat first, then finishing them off with a quick sear on high heat. This method allows the burgers to cook evenly and develop a nice crust without overcooking the inside. Simply place the smashed burgers on the cooler side of the grill and cook them until they reach your desired level of doneness. Then, move them to the hot side of the grill to sear for a minute or two on each side.

2. Smoking

If you're a fan of smoky flavors, try adding some wood chips or chunks to your grill. Soak the wood in water for at least 30 minutes before grilling to prevent them from burning too quickly. Place the soaked wood chips or chunks directly on the coals or in a smoker box if you're using a gas grill. The smoky flavors will infuse into the burgers as they cook, adding a whole new dimension of deliciousness.

3. Bacon-Wrapped Burgers

For the ultimate indulgence, try wrapping your smashed burgers in bacon before grilling. The bacon not only adds a smoky and savory flavor but also keeps the burgers extra juicy. Simply wrap a slice of bacon around each patty and secure it with toothpicks. Grill the burgers as usual, and watch as the bacon crisps up and adds incredible flavor to your already delicious barbecue smash burger.

Recipe 2: BBQ Smash Burger with Oddly Satisfying Cheesy Core

Now that you've learned some grilling techniques, let's move on to a fun and cheesy twist on the classic barbecue smash burger: the BBQ Smash Burger with an oddly satisfying cheesy core.

- 1 pound ground chuck
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Sliced cheese (cheddar, pepper jack, or your favorite melting cheese)
- Burger buns
- Your favorite toppings (lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, etc.)
- Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.)

1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
2. Divide the ground chuck into 8 equal portions and shape them into balls.
3. Season each ball with salt and pepper.
4. Place a slice of cheese in the center of 4 of the balls.
5. Place the remaining 4 balls on top of the cheese-filled balls and seal the edges.
6. Flatten the stuffed balls into patties, making sure the cheese is well enclosed.
7. Place the patties onto the hot grill grates and immediately press them flat with your spatula or meat press.
8. Cook the burgers for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they reach your desired level of doneness.
9. Remove the burgers from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes.
10. Toast your burger buns on the grill for a minute or two, until they're lightly golden.
11. Assemble your burgers with your favorite toppings and condiments.
12. Serve immediately and enjoy the surprise of that delicious cheesy core!

Complementing Your Barbecue Smash Burger– Choosing the Right Bun and Add-ons

Now that you have your perfectly grilled barbecue smash burger, it's time to talk about the buns and add-ons that will take your creation to the next level.

1. The Bun

The bun is the vessel that holds your delicious burger together, so it's important to choose the right one. Look for buns that are sturdy enough to hold up to a juicy patty and all your favorite toppings. Brioche buns, pretzel buns, or a good old-fashioned sesame seed bun all work well. Toasting the buns on the grill for a minute or two adds a nice crunch and enhances their flavor.

2. Toppings and Condiments

When it comes to toppings, the sky's the limit. Lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, and crispy bacon are all classic choices. Don't be afraid to get creative with your add-ons. Sliced avocado, grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms, or even a fried egg can take your barbecue smash burger to the next level. As for condiments, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and barbecue sauce are all great options. Mix and match to find your perfect combination.

Recipe 3: Smokin’ BBQ Smash Burger with Grilled Pineapple Slices

Now that you know how to choose the perfect bun and add-ons, let's explore a recipe that adds a sweet and smoky twist to your barbecue smash burger: the Smokin' BBQ Smash Burger with Grilled Pineapple Slices.

- 1 pound ground chuck
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Sliced cheese (Swiss or pepper jack)
- Burger buns
- Grilled pineapple slices
- Smoked bacon
- BBQ sauce
- Your favorite toppings (lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, etc.)

1. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
2. Divide the ground chuck into 4 equal portions and shape them into balls.
3. Season each ball with salt and pepper.
4. Place the balls onto the hot grill grates and immediately smash them flat with your spatula or meat press.
5. Cook the burgers for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they reach your desired level of doneness.
6. If using cheese, add a slice to each burger during the last minute of cooking and let it melt.
7. While the burgers are cooking, grill the pineapple slices and bacon until they're nicely charred.
8. Remove the burgers from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes.
9. Toast your burger buns on the grill for a minute or two, until they're lightly golden.
10. Assemble your burgers with the grilled pineapple slices, bacon, BBQ sauce, and your favorite toppings.
11. Serve immediately and enjoy the smoky and sweet flavors of this delicious twist on the barbecue smash burger.

Accompanying Sides for Your BBQ Smash Burger

No barbecue smash burger is complete without some tasty side dishes to complement and balance out the flavors. Here are a few suggestions to serve alongside your mouth-watering burgers:

  1. Crispy French Fries: Golden and crispy french fries are a classic choice that pairs perfectly with a juicy burger. Serve them with ketchup, mayonnaise, or your favorite dipping sauce.

  2. Grilled Corn on the Cob: Take advantage of the grill and throw some corn on the cob alongside your burgers. Grilled corn is sweet, smoky, and adds a nice contrast to the savory flavors of the smash burger.

  3. Creamy Coleslaw: A refreshing and creamy coleslaw is the perfect side dish to balance out the richness of the burger. The crunch of the cabbage and the tanginess of the dressing complement the flavors perfectly.

  4. Grilled Vegetables: Add some color and freshness to your plate with a variety of grilled vegetables. Bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and mushrooms all grill beautifully and make for a healthy and delicious side dish.

  5. Loaded Potato Salad: Give your traditional potato salad a twist by loading it up with bacon, cheese, green onions, and sour cream. The creamy texture and savory flavors pair perfectly with the barbecue smash burger.

Pairing Your BBQ Smash Burgers with the Perfect Drinks

Now that you have your burgers and sides sorted, let's talk about the drinks that will enhance the rich and smoky flavors of your barbecue smash burgers.

  1. Craft Beers: A juicy burger calls for a cold beer. Look for hoppy IPAs, malty ambers, or refreshing wheat beers to complement the flavors of your barbecue smash burger.

  2. Classic Soda: For a nostalgic touch, serve your burgers with classic sodas like cola, root beer, or cream soda. The fizziness and sweetness of the soda pair well with the rich flavors of the burger.

  3. Fruity Cocktails: If you're feeling fancy, whip up some fruity cocktails to enjoy alongside your burgers. A refreshing mojito, a tropical piña colada, or a citrusy margarita all add a fun and vibrant twist to your meal.

  4. Iced Tea: For a non-alcoholic option, a refreshing glass of iced tea is a perfect choice. Choose from classic black tea, fruity herbal blends, or a refreshing green tea to cleanse your palate between bites.

  5. Homemade Lemonade: There's nothing quite like a glass of ice-cold homemade lemonade on a hot summer day. The tangy and refreshing flavors of lemonade pair beautifully with the smoky and savory flavors of the barbecue smash burger.

Common Mistakes While Making BBQ Smash Burger on Grill Grates

While making barbecue smash burgers on grill grates is a relatively straightforward process, there are a few common mistakes that can easily be avoided. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Using Too Lean Meat: Lean meat can result in dry and flavorless burgers. Make sure to use ground beef with a fat content of around 20% for the juiciest and tastiest patties.

  2. Smashing Too Hard: While it's important to apply firm pressure when smashing the burgers, be careful not to overdo it. Smashing too hard can result in a dense and tough patty.

  3. Flipping Too Early: Resist the temptation to flip the burgers too early. Let them cook for a couple of minutes on each side to develop that beautiful crust. Flipping them too early can cause the patties to fall apart and lose their juiciness.

  4. Overcooking: It's essential to cook your burgers to the right temperature, but be careful not to overcook them. Use a meat thermometer to ensure they're cooked to your desired level of doneness.

  5. Skipping the Resting Time: Letting your burgers rest for a few minutes after cooking allows the juices to redistribute and ensures a juicier and more flavorful burger. Skipping this step can result in a dry and less enjoyable eating experience.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Barbecue Smash Burgers on Grill Grates

Now that you're aware of the common mistakes, let's dive into some tips and tricks to help you master the art of making barbecue smash burgers on grill grates:

  1. Preheat Your Grill: Make sure to preheat your grill to medium-high heat before cooking the burgers. This ensures a good sear and helps prevent sticking.

  2. Divide Your Meat Evenly: Divide your ground beef into equal portions to ensure that your burgers cook evenly. This will prevent some burgers from being undercooked while others are overcooked.

  3. Season Liberally: Don't be afraid to season your burgers generously with salt and pepper. The seasoning enhances the flavors and ensures that every bite is packed with deliciousness.

  4. Experiment with Seasonings: While salt and pepper are classic seasonings, don't be afraid to experiment with other spices and herbs. Garlic powder, paprika, cayenne pepper, or even a dash of Worcestershire sauce can add a whole new dimension of flavor to your burgers.

  5. Keep It Simple: While it's fun to experiment with toppings and condiments, sometimes less is more. Let the flavors of the juicy patty shine by keeping your toppings and condiments simple and complementary.

The Health Factor: Are BBQ Smash Burgers on Grill Grates Healthy?

Now, you might be wondering about the health aspect of barbecue smash burgers on grill grates. While they are undeniably delicious, they can also be part of a healthy and balanced diet. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Portion Control: Enjoying a barbecue smash burger on grill grates doesn't mean you have to go overboard. Pay attention to portion sizes and balance your meal with a variety of nutritious sides and vegetables.

  2. Choosing Leaner Meat: Opting for leaner ground beef or using turkey or chicken as a base for your burgers can reduce the fat content and make them a healthier option.

  3. Adding Vegetables: Don't forget to load up your burger with fresh vegetables. Lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles not only add flavor and texture but also provide essential vitamins and minerals.

  4. Grilling Techniques: Cooking on grill grates allows excess fat to drip away, resulting in a leaner and healthier burger. Avoid charring or burning the meat, as it can produce harmful compounds.

  5. Balancing Your Plate: Pair your barbecue smash burger with a variety of nutritious sides, such as grilled vegetables, a fresh salad, or a side of fruit. This helps balance out the meal and ensures you're getting a wide range of nutrients.

Remember, enjoying a barbecue smash burger on grill grates is all about balance and moderation. By making mindful choices and incorporating fresh ingredients, you can indulge in this delicious treat while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Congratulations! You've now mastered the art of making barbecue smash burgers on grill grates. Armed with the right gear, techniques, and delicious recipes, you're ready to impress your friends and family with mouthwatering burgers that are bursting with flavor.

Whether you stick to the classic recipe or venture into exciting variations, the joy and satisfaction of biting into a perfectly cooked barbecue smash burger on grill grates are truly unparalleled. So fire up the grill, gather your ingredients, and get ready to embark on a smoky and flavorful journey that will leave you craving more.


1. Can I use a regular skillet instead of grill grates for smash burgers?

While grill grates are ideal for achieving that delicious sear and smoky flavor, you can still make smash burgers in a regular skillet. Just make sure to preheat the skillet to medium-high heat and use a spatula to press the burgers flat. You may not get the same grill marks, but the burgers will still be delicious.

2. Can I use frozen ground beef for barbecue smash burgers?

It's best to use fresh ground beef for barbecue smash burgers as it has a better texture and flavor. Frozen ground beef tends to have more moisture, which can affect the consistency of the patty. However, if you're using frozen ground beef, make sure to thaw it completely before cooking to ensure even cooking.

3. Can I make barbecue smash burgers on a gas grill?

Absolutely! You can make barbecue smash burgers on a gas grill by following the same techniques and recipes. Make sure to preheat your gas grill to medium-high heat and oil the grates before cooking. The process and flavors will be just as delicious as on a charcoal grill.

4. Can I make vegetarian or vegan smash burgers on grill grates?

Definitely! Vegetarian and vegan smash burgers can be made using plant-based meat substitutes such as black bean patties, lentil patties, or even portobello mushrooms. The process of smashing and grilling them on grill grates remains the same. Experiment with different flavorings and seasonings to create a delicious meat-free alternative.

5. Can I freeze barbecue smash burgers?

Yes, you can freeze barbecue smash burgers for future enjoyment. After grilling, let the burgers cool completely, then wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or place them in airtight containers. Label them with the date and store them in the freezer for up to three months. To reheat, thaw in the refrigerator overnight and then reheat on a hot grill grates until warmed through.

Now that you have the answers to these commonly asked questions, go forth and conquer the world of barbecue smash burgers on grill grates. Happy grilling!

Erika Oliver

About Erika Oliver

Erika Oliver is a passionate writer, community advocate, and culinary enthusiast dedicated to bringing people together through the art of barbecue and neighborhood connections. With a profound love for both food and community, Erika has become an influential voice in promoting the joy of gathering around the grill and fostering a sense of belonging among neighbors.

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