la vics orange sauce recipe

Unveiling the Secret: La Vics Orange Sauce Recipe

· 9 min read


La Vics Orange Sauce is a beloved condiment that has gained popularity for its unique flavor and versatility. Whether you're a fan of Mexican cuisine or simply looking to add some zing to your dishes, this sauce is a must-have in your pantry. While you can easily purchase it from the store, there's something special about making your own and canning it for future use. In this ultimate guide, we'll dive deep into the world of canning La Vics Orange Sauce, from selection to serving, so you can enjoy this delicious sauce whenever you like.

The Benefits of Canning

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of canning La Vics Orange Sauce, let's talk about why you should consider canning your own sauce in the first place. There are several advantages to making your own sauce and preserving it for later use.

1. Preservation: One of the primary benefits of canning is the ability to extend the shelf life of your favorite sauce. By properly preserving and storing the sauce in jars, you can enjoy it for months or even years to come. This is especially useful if you have an abundance of oranges or want to make a large batch to last you through the seasons.

2. Convenience: Having homemade sauce readily available anytime is a game-changer in the kitchen. Instead of relying on store-bought options or running to the grocery store every time you need some orange sauce, you can simply open a jar of your canned creation and enjoy it on demand. It saves time and ensures you always have a flavorful sauce on hand.

3. Control: When you make your own La Vics Orange Sauce, you have complete control over the flavor and ingredients. You can customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences, adjust the sweetness or tanginess, or even experiment with different spices and seasonings. Canning allows you to capture the exact flavor profile you desire, making each jar of sauce a personal creation.

4. Cost-effective: Making your own sauce in bulk and canning it can save you money in the long run. Oranges are often available at a lower price when they are in season, allowing you to purchase them in larger quantities. By canning the sauce, you can take advantage of these lower prices and enjoy your homemade creation throughout the year without breaking the bank.

Selection Criteria for Canning

To ensure the best results when canning La Vics Orange Sauce, it's important to choose the right oranges and prepare them properly. Here are some factors to consider when selecting oranges for canning:

1. Choosing the right oranges: The type of oranges you choose will impact the flavor and acidity of your sauce. While different varieties can be used, it's generally recommended to opt for sweet oranges like Valencia or Navel oranges. These varieties have a good balance of sweetness and acidity, which will contribute to a well-rounded sauce.

2. Freshness and ripeness: Select oranges that are fresh and ripe for the best flavor and texture. Look for oranges that are firm, smooth-skinned, and heavy for their size. Avoid oranges that have blemishes, soft spots, or are overly wrinkled, as they may not taste as good or yield as much juice.

3. Organic vs. conventional: When it comes to choosing organic or conventional oranges for canning, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and availability. Organic oranges are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, which some people prefer for health and environmental reasons. However, conventional oranges can still be used as long as they are washed thoroughly before processing.

4. Quantity: Calculate the amount of oranges you will need based on the desired yield of your sauce. A general rule of thumb is to use about 8-10 medium-sized oranges to yield around 4 cups of juice, which can make approximately 4-6 jars of sauce, depending on the size of your jars. Adjust the quantity accordingly if you're making a larger batch.

La Vics Orange Sauce Recipe

Now that you have a good understanding of the benefits of canning and the selection criteria, let's dive into the La Vics Orange Sauce recipe. Here are the ingredients you'll need:


  • Oranges

  • Vinegar

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Spices (optional)

Step-by-step Instructions:

  1. Preparing the oranges: Start by washing the oranges thoroughly under running water to get rid of any dirt or debris. Next, peel the oranges, making sure to remove all of the white pith. The pith can add bitterness to the sauce, so it's best to remove it completely. Once the oranges are peeled, separate them into segments and remove any seeds.

  2. Cooking the sauce: In a large pot, combine the orange segments, vinegar, sugar, salt, and any spices you'd like to add. Common spices that pair well with La Vics Orange Sauce include garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, and chili powder. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar. Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30-40 minutes, or until the oranges are soft and the flavors have melded together.

  3. Sterilizing jars and lids: While the sauce is simmering, prepare your canning jars and lids. Wash them in hot, soapy water and rinse them thoroughly. Place the jars in a large pot and fill it with enough water to cover the jars completely. Bring the water to a boil and let the jars boil for 10 minutes to sterilize them. In a separate small pot, place the lids and simmer them for 5 minutes to soften the rubber seal.

  4. Filling and sealing the jars: Once the sauce is ready and the jars are sterilized, carefully ladle the hot sauce into the jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top. Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe off any sauce from the rims of the jars. Place a lid on each jar and screw on the bands until they are fingertip-tight. Be careful not to overtighten, as this can prevent proper sealing.

  5. Processing the jars: Depending on your preference and equipment, you can choose to process the jars using either a water bath or pressure canning method. For a water bath, place the jars in a large pot and add enough water to cover the jars by at least 1 inch. Bring the water to a boil and process the jars for 10-15 minutes. For pressure canning, follow the manufacturer's instructions for your specific canner and process the jars according to the recommended time and pressure. After processing, carefully remove the jars from the pot and let them cool on a towel-lined countertop. As they cool, you should hear a satisfying "pop" sound, indicating that the jars have sealed properly.

Tips and Pitfalls to Watch Out For:

  • Maintaining proper acidity levels for safe canning: It's important to ensure that the acidity of your sauce is high enough to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. The addition of vinegar in the recipe helps to increase the acidity. However, it's recommended to use a pH meter or litmus paper to test the acidity level of your sauce before canning. The pH should be below 4.6 for safe canning. If your sauce is not acidic enough, you can add more vinegar or lemon juice to adjust the pH.

  • Avoiding overcooking or undercooking the sauce: Be mindful of the cooking time and heat level while simmering the sauce. Overcooking can result in a sauce that is too thick or caramelized, while undercooking can leave the oranges too firm and the flavors underdeveloped. Aim for a soft texture in the oranges and a well-balanced flavor profile.

  • Ensuring a tight seal on the jars to prevent spoilage: After processing the jars, make sure to check that they have sealed properly. The lids should be slightly concave and should not move when pressed in the center. If any jars have not sealed, you can either reprocess them using a new lid or store them in the refrigerator for immediate use.

  • Properly storing canned sauce for optimal quality and safety: Once the jars have cooled and sealed, store them in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cellar. The sauce should be consumed within 12-18 months for the best quality. However, it's important to regularly inspect the jars for any signs of spoilage, such as mold or off-putting odors. If you notice any issues, discard the sauce immediately.

Serving Ideas for La Vics Orange Sauce

Now that you have your homemade La Vics Orange Sauce ready to go

Erika Oliver

About Erika Oliver

Erika Oliver is a passionate writer, community advocate, and culinary enthusiast dedicated to bringing people together through the art of barbecue and neighborhood connections. With a profound love for both food and community, Erika has become an influential voice in promoting the joy of gathering around the grill and fostering a sense of belonging among neighbors.

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